Saturday, December 12, 2009

Project YARN

Pondering what to make with my yarn....

By George, I think I've got it (an idea that is!)

Cute, adorable Emmy

The finished project!! A crochet headband!!

I was so proud and happy with the finished product!!

Here's my silly Eskimo sister Mar Char

Love these girls!

Two of my bestest and dearest friends! So thankful for them!!


Anonymous said...

I love your Christmas Tree! I hope you and Klyee have a wonderful 2nd CHristmas together! Any special plans with the family? We actually get Christmas day off at my school so I am excited about that! I have 10 teaching days left till my contract is up, and then off on my trip. I will be coming to SoCal area the first week of February, so I would love to see your lovely face! I miss you too Mali poo, really I do :)